Study Topics
Studying for an Army board can be a daunting task. We wanted to make it easier for you by providing the some questions and answers for you to make it easier to study. Not everyone who stops in stops in for the same reason. So, whether you ARE preparing for a board or you are just curious, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’ll find something interesting on this page. The following are 69 important areas that every soldier getting ready for an Army board should brush up on. Each section will include a video that will help you learn through hearing, seeing, and repetition.
Army Programs Study
At their core, Army programs have one extremely important goal… increase combat readiness. Soldiers have to have their minds right in order to be prepared for combat. Army programs serve to help eliminate many of the concerns and issues that can prevent that from happening. Click a link below to view the Army Program topic.
- Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
- Army Community Service (ACS)
- Army Continuing Education Services (ACES)
- Army Emergency Relief (AER)
- Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
- Equal Opportunity (EO)
- Army Family Action Plan (AFAP)
- Army Red Cross (ARC)
- Army Reenlistment and Retention Program
- Army Safety Program
- Army Sponsorship Program
- Army Quality of Life Program (QOLP)
- Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)
- Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS)
- Noncommissioned Officer Development Program
Weapons Study
Knowing your equipment is a fundamental requirement of being a soldier. The specific weapon or system may vary based upon the unit, specialty, or mission. A soldier’s weapon is an extension of themselves in combat. In any case, the requirement of weapon knowledge does not change. Click a link below to view the weapons topic.
- M136 AT4 Rocket Launcher
- M16A2 5.56mm Semi Automatic Rifle
- M4 5.56mm Semi Automatic Rifle
- M18A1 Antipersonnel Mine (Claymore)
- M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun
- M203 40mm Grenade Launcher
- M240B Machine Gun
- M249 Machine Gun
- M60 Machine Gun
- M72 Light Anti-tank Weapon
- M9 Pistol
- M11 Pistol
- MK19 40mm Grenade Machine Gun
- Hand Grenades
Uniforms Study
Soldiers are expected to wear the appropriate uniform in the appropriate fashion. Proper wear of the uniform not only represents the Army in the right way but also represents the soldier as a true professional.There are several different uniforms and soldiers are expected to know how to properly wear each of them. Click a link below to view the uniform topic.
- Awards and Decorations
- Army Green Service Uniform (Class A)
- Army Blue Service Uniform
- Battle Dress Uniform (BDU)
- Army Combat Uniform (ACU)
- Improved Physical Fitness Uniform (IPFU)
Rank and Leadership Study
When you think of the Army, one of the first things that usually comes to mind is leadership. In fact, military leadership is the foundation for most leadership philosophies around America and the world. It is imperative for soldiers to understand both leadership and the rank structure in which it is so deeply integrated. Clink a link below to view rank and leadership topics.
- Chain of Command
- Leadership
- Counseling
- NCO Duties, Responsibility, and Authority
- NCO History
- Promotions and Reductions
Administration, Policy, and Law Study
Any organization, in order to succeed, needs order. Efficient administration, clear and concise policies, and adherence to laws that are greater than any component or the organization itself are paramount. These topics cover everything from how we move to how we act or behave. Click a link below to view administration, policy, and law topics.
- Leaves and Passes
- Military Justice
- Code of Conduct
- Geneva Convention
- U.S. Constitution
- Army History
- Guard Duty
- Drill and Ceremony
- Flags
Training Study
The Army trains to fight and trains as it fights. Soldiers must be prepared to deploy whenever the need arises and a key component to combat readiness is training. From physical fitness to operating in the field, training is essential. If preparing for an Army board, you can be sure training questions will abound! Clink a link below to view training topics.
- Weight Control
- Physical Training
- Battle Focused Training
- Training the Force
- The Army Plan
- Land Navigation and Map Reading
- First Aid
- Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Radiological
- Field Sanitation
- Physical Security
- Security and Intelligence
- Desert Operation
- Survival
- Camouflage, Concealment, and Decoys
- Maintenance
- Communications
- Supply Economy
Get studied up and ace your next board. Good luck!