Topics and Categories Discussed on
The United States Army is a relatively large organization with a long proud history. There is so much information that is ripe for discussion that it just didn’t seem to to it justice to try to contain those discussion to small niche sites covering limited topics.

Obviously, diving into all the areas on one website would result in a monstrous site…but so what, lol. It’s all interconnected. So we’ll build it that way and see what happens. Here are some of the areas that we’ll get into.
- Awards and Decorations
- Branches
- People and Events
- Ranks
- Units
- Values
- Vehicles
- Weapons
- Study Guides

Awards and Decorations
The Department of Defense Military Awards Program serves to ensure that Army personnel as well as other members of the Armed Forces of the United States receive material recognition for the acts they perform and the behavior that they display. The acts and behaviors that awards are given for include acts of valor, exceptional service or achievement, and acts of heroism not involving actual combat. Awards and Decorations are one of the important topics we’ll discuss. Soldiers respond to recognition of their good work because the appreciation confirms their work is valued by the Army.
The Army has many groupings of specialties that officers and enlisted members might occupy based on their job. We call those branches. Each of these branches are unique and serve their own important purpose. The coming of these branches together to form a powerful combined forces is what makes the Army so great. With a long list of MOS designations allowing with a variety of vehicles and employing a variety of weapons. The discussions are endless.
People and Events
Some of the most famous people that we’ve learned about in school and in life have been members of the United States Army or associated with the Army in some way, shape, or form. This opens the door for endless topics of discussion. What’s most interesting about this topical area is that as much that most of us do know, there is just as much or more that we’ve probably never even heard of!
The Army ranking system with its hierarchical relationships is critical to its ability to function. The arrangements that are represented in an “above” or “below” nature as well as those of a lateral nature are essential in defining the way that dominance, authority, and responsibility are expressed within the United States Army.
The US Army’s 11 basic unit types are, more or less, component designations. The type of units are comprised of different types of forces with very different sets of responsibilities which opens the door for extensive discussions involving these topics. Most people are familiar with some of the more common and basic structures. For instance, there’s even a movie (Platoon) named after one. We’ll discuss some of the better known units as well as some of the ones that are little known.
The Army value systems serve to positively affect the ethical behavior of soldiers. Army values being consistent, as they are, govern the appropriate courses of actions or outcomes for soldiers and give them a sense of right and wrong or what “ought” to be. As part of these topics, we’ll beyond the basic Army values and delve into topics like the Army songs and creed that soldiers internalize every day.
The United States Army vehicles boasts an extensive collection of highly capable machines utilized for transporting soldiers, weapons, cargo or systems. As topics for discussion, vehicles provide wonderful opportunities for insight and discovery. The various units and branches of the Army use alternative configurations and, sometimes, different vehicles all together. We’ll get into some Army vehicles both past and present. In addition, we’ll cover topics recovering those vehicles supplied by either the United States Air Force or by the United States Navy for Army needs or missions.
We’ll discuss the United States Army’s arsenal of weapons. From small arms all the way up to the big guns, these weapons give soldiers the offensive and defensive capabilities that they need to win the war and come home to their families. When properly deployed as part of a well trained fighting force, these weapons make all the difference. We’ll discuss topics regarding the weapons in the Army toolbox and which ones are the right tools for a job.
Study Guides
We’re taking the time to put together some great study aids to help soldiers get ready for the Army boards. We call them study hacks. You can find some great study guides and tools all over the internet should you be looking for something to help you study. But, we figured, the more the merrier! We’ll provide an asset for each of the topics in the Army study materials. Whether you are studying for a promotion board, a soldier of the month board, or a board of a different type, stop in and check them out. Hopefully, you’ll find something that can help!